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Smart Manufacturing Engineering Education for Knowledge Economy (SME2KE) Project

Smart Manufacturing Engineering Education for Knowledge Economy (SME2KE) develops postgraduate manufacturing curricula (with emphasis on laserbased manufacturing (LbM) technologies) and pedagogical approaches to strengthen future manufacturing engineers’ competences for transforming their national economies to knowledge-based society as they improve profitability of businesses.
About the SME2KE Project
Project name: Smart Manufacturing Engineering Education for Knowledge Economy (SME2KE)
Project number: 101083243 — SME2KE
Innovation in learning, teaching and assessment practices supported by digital technologies;Curriculum design and development; Pedagogical developments;Continuing professional training;
Project duration: 36 months
Project start date: 01 June 2023


Objective 1:
Train the knowledge, competencies and performance of students, academic and support staff with a view to quality assuring the development of industry-ready postgraduates in the specialty of manufacturing engineering.
Objective 2:
Update the existing master’s curriculum by incorporating taught modules including elements of laser manufacturing applications as well as BDS, ML and AI towards manufacturing products with zero-defect and zero-waste.
Objective 3:
Develop a unique African e-platform learning site to support education and training related to LbM technology at Masters level, disposable to the Education for Laser-based Manufacturing (ELbM) community under open access.